
What To Expect From Your Criminal Lawyer

When you are facing penalties from a harsh crime and possibly facing large fines or even a lengthy stay in jail or prison, you can feel terrified about what is going to happen to your future. A lawyer can assist you in getting a lesser degree of punishment, especially if you choose an attorney who specializes in criminal law. A criminal lawyer is someone who defends people and companies accused of serious and minor crimes where jail or prison time are very real possibilities, and having the right expert to guide you in your case can make a huge difference in its outcome and your own peace of mind.

Material Support to Terrorists: What You Should Know About The Limits on Your Rights

The United States is one of the few countries in the world where you are generally free to support whatever cause you want—even if the government would rather you didn't. However, there are limits even U.S. residents can cross, especially when it comes to the support of terrorism. Being charged with providing material support to terrorists is becoming a crime that's being prosecuted with increasing fervor throughout the United States. Learn more about exactly what this crime involves—because even passive involvement with certain causes can land you behind bars.

What You Should Do After Getting A DUI

If you were recently pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you now have a DUI on your record. It is important to follow the right steps next to see if you have a possible defense and get the lowest sentence possible. Here are some things you should do after being arrested for a DUI. Get a Good DUI Defense Lawyer You should always start by finding a lawyer that specializes in DUI and DWI cases.

Three Government Interventions For Stopping Repeat DUI Offenses

The government has put in place several measures to prevent those who have been convicted of drinking under the influence (DUI) from repeating their offenses. Most of these measures involve either driving or drinking restrictions. Here are three examples of such measures: Wearing a SCRAM Bracelet In some places, you may be required to wear Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) bracelets. The bracelets work by monitoring the alcohol level in your sweat and sending the data to a regional monitoring center.

4 Effective Defenses For A Marijuana Charge

The gravity of a marijuana charge really depends on a state by state basis. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you call on the services of a local and trusted defense attorney who specializes in such cases. If you have been charged with possession charges, there are a number of good defenses that your legal team can employ. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn of a few effective defenses that your attorney or legal team might employ.

Practicing A Trade Without A License: A More Serious Crime Than You May Realize

The recent case of a Florida teen who was arrested for practicing medicine without a license brings to light an issue that can, surprisingly, be more complicated than most people realize. People who have no intention of breaking the law can run afoul of occupational licensing laws in a variety of occupations–from electricians and contractors to hair braiders and nail technicians. This is what you should know. The laws can be convoluted and unexpected.

Tips To Help You Determine If You Should Request An Expungement Of A DUI Charge

The consequences of getting charged with a DUI can linger for a very long time, and DUI charges on your record can affect your driving privileges and your ability to get a job. If this is something you are struggling with, you may want to look into getting this charge expunged from your record. Getting a criminal charge expunged is not always easy, but it may be worth a try. Here are some tips to help you accomplish this.

Examples Of Uncommon Forms Of Animal Cruelty

People tend to assume that the only people who abuse animals are those who kick stray dogs or leave their pets chained for hours without food or water. Unfortunately, there are far more subtle ways in which you can abuse or be cruel to animals. Here are three such examples: Hoarding Keeping animals is good, but only if you don't start hoarding them. Hoarding is the practice of keeping so many animals that you can't even take good care of them all.

You Can Appeal A Criminal Conviction

You were not only arrested, but you were also charged and found guilty by the courts. All hope is lost, right? The answer is no. If you have been convicted of a crime, you have the legal right to appeal your case. Though the process might be trying and lengthy, if you have been wrongfully convicted, appealing your case can help you clear your name and avoid false imprisonment and hefty fines and penalties.

Two Things A DUI Attorney Can Do For You

When you have been charged with drunk driving, you may be very nervous about what will happen to you. Depending on your background and the state you live in, you might even have your driving license suspended or spend time in prison. That's why it's important to retain a DUI lawyer for your day in court. Here are two things that your lawyer will do to help you. Challenge the Vehicle Stop